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Starter Archive Release Livestrong

Starter Archive Release Livestrong

I agree to appear in a video (the “Video”) to be recorded or captured by Not Forgotten Digital Preservation  Library LLC (“Not Forgotten”)  for use by Livestrong, Not Forgotten their licensees and designees (together “The Parties”).


I agree to be cataloged in a library record (the “Library record”) to be recorded by Not Forgotten for use by The Parties.


I authorize The Parties to perform, display, distribute, or otherwise use, without limitation, the Video and the Library record including on their websites and on third party websites for the purpose of furthering their missions.


In addition, I authorize Not Forgotten and its licensees to produce and use transcripts of the Video which will be included in the Library record and related Legacy Product documentation as well as my name, biography and likeness in connection with publicizing The Parties missions, products and services.

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